Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tomorrow Will Be Special.......

Tomorrow is going to be a very special day.....Our Texas son is in Detroit on a detail for the government. He is a pilot and now flies helicopters for what was the US Border Patrol and he is in charge of an air ops station. He has some time tomorrow during the day and is coming up to Port Huron bringing, with him, the son of a famous BP pilot that was friends with my husband in our "good old days." I can tell my dear hubby is excited to see them both and me? well I am over the moon to be with my precious son and I will be taking pictures and will post them tomorrow.

Like all Mom's my mind has turned to food....what should I fix that I won't be in the kitchen while he is here....or, maybe we will all go out .....I will just take it minute by minute.....I want to soak up every minute with him I can...I have not seen him for a year and that was just for an evening when he was here for a meeting.

Clay's dream for a long time was to be a pilot and he has worked so hard juggling his job in the Border Patrol and family to become one. My husband used to fly and so on more than one ocassion, if Clay came off a midnight shift, but had to get in some hours, Tom would go with him to make sure he stayed awake. This of course, was many years ago and now he flies not only the small but the big helicopters. I am not too crazy about flying, but I would fly anywhere with him....

When he was small and we lived in Yuma, Arizona, we would watch the jets at the base there. They also tested DC 10's there and many a time on our way home, out of town we would see the lights in the far distance of one coming in and I would turn the car around and race back up the mesa to our vantage point by the fence, to watch that giant come in for a landing......we also watched fighter jets in trouble come in on foamed runways with a band across the runway to catch on their hook. We never missed an air show. Oh my, those were exciting times and I loved the romance of the planes as much as the is little wonder that one became a pilot and a good one, if I may say so.....he saved the government much money as well as his life and that of his passenger when the helicopter he was flying lost it's tail rotor.
He gave us a picture of the skid marks as he landed it. He brought it in safely after miles in the air going in circles.....that takes an amazingly cool fantastic pilot!

A few years ago, he was named Law Enforcement Officer Of The Year....what an honor. He rescued a rancher that had been thrown by a horse and was badly hurt out in the middle of now where, in Texas. He was able to get him into the helicopter and fly him to a hospital and saved his life.
And....he has been our National Pistol Champ more than once......
So, until tomorrow.......