I promised myself that I would be disciplined and write a bit every day....;-) Well, I have been so busy getting back in the swing of things at home after being away four+ months and remembering where things go and are, that I just haven't kept my promise to myself. :-( But...I am really going to try and do better!!
And I have exciting news,too!!!
I have, with everything else going on, been learning to work our new website, yes! a website THE RUFFLED ROSE. While it was being designed by Susan of www.onespringstreet.net I was stressing over whether I would be able to maintain it....bless her heart, she reassured me by the end of the first week I would be a pro. Well, I have one item listed and a bio written.....I have many things to list and am feeling much more confident I will be able to do this....as soon, that is, as PhotoShop stops causing me problems.....If you are looking for a website or eBay template as well as cards plus all sorts of beautiful graphics, please go and check her out. She is fabulous to work with, too!
I know many of you know Marian Elizabeth of the blog That Shabby Pink Girl.....she and I have become friends and decided to do this venture together. So, two friends together in two separate boutiques on one website to bring you all sorts of delightful Cottage pretties. You will find my things In The Armoire and you will find her delightful items in That Shabby Pink Girl.
Right now, Marian Elizabeth is away on a much needed pleasure/buying trip and as soon as she gets back she will be filling her boutique.
We will post when we have our Grand Opening and you will be invited to come and register in the drawings to celebrate with exquisite prizes for your Shabby Cottage.
Here is a peek at the first item In The Armoire at The Ruffled Rose:
A Sweet As Can Be Teacup And Saucer Pin Cushion With Three Pins And Bits Of Vintage Rhinestone Jewelry.....How Perfect For Mothers Day....
And, hopefully tomorrow the first of three pretty towel sets:
Thank you for stopping by....
I always get excited when I see I have comments to read....and please come back often to visit!!
Hope you are having the loveliest of days!