Hello again, Sweet Pink Saturday! Before I say another word, I want to give you the link to Beverly's where you will find all the other blogs dressed in their pink finery! Be sure and say "Hi" to Beverly to let her know how much you enjoy this special day! I can't imagine a week without PINK SATURDAY!!
And, another week that has flown by. I can't make up my mind if this is a good thing or not.....the week was not unusual in any way....working in the gardens, creating, talking on the phone with friends and family, visiting with the neighbors....just a nice easy summer week. Sitting on the porch with a drink and a magazine and letting life drift by..... The kind of days you yearn for when the snow drifts are high.
I didn't know what to do this week for today, but I am painting and studying the roses I have, both real and painted. So, I was taking pictures and as I was printing them out to pin on my inspiration board I thought I would share them with you as they are so pretty....I am so happy God made roses for us, aren't you?!
Some of my roses that I want to improve on....
There are so many different ways in painting roses....each artist has their own unique style. It is so inspiring, to me, to just sit and study and absorb each different rendition.....I just yearn to paint them and hope in time I will finally get a rose that will satisfy this rose loving soul!
Before I leave to go Pink visiting....I want to leave you with this thought. There are times in all our lives when we get hurt by those we love....do not understand why ...or feel that it is deserving. In a lovely book I am reading I found this and just wanted to share it with you:
Forgive And Forget.
Our Lord we thank thee, for so much.
We bless Thee and praise Thy Glorious Name.
Fill your world with Love and Laughter. Never mind what anguish lies behind you.
Forget, Forgive, Love and Laugh.
Treat all as you would treat Me, with love and consideration.
Let nothing others do to you alter your treatment of them.
Wishing you a lovely and peace filled week!