Rain, rain, rain and then more rain.....this is what it has been doing up in my little corner of the world....Port Huron, Michigan. We have not had, knock wood, the terrible storms that Okalahoma and Tennessee have been experiencing, just a steady rain. How terrifying those storms are! I know because I was born in Iowa and raised in Omaha, NE. and I well remember the force of the spring and summer storms. Those storms are how I wound up out in the deserts of Arizona. No, I was not blown there, my sweet Mom could no longer take them. My Dad traveled and she was left with my sister and me to weather those storms. She never showed it, but they nearly undid her! We had a finished basement the opened out onto the patio and back yard.....I can't tell you all the nights of mad dashes with our pillows for the downstairs! When she knew storms could occur she made up our comfy couches that were also day beds, just in case.
Not only has it rained and rained, but it is cold, too. So, inside projects are what we have been doing.....I had just finished the top of the end table, in the picture, and just took my brush and swiped it on the table.....then I had to get it done. hehe You see it here getting a second coat on the pedestal and the legs. It looks 100% better white and I am sorry I did not do it long ago. The only thing is, now I have to do those four dining room chairs....mercy, 100+ spindles. :-( I know my DH will be helping me as he always does even tho he has a not so great project going in the basement.....evidently I knocked two drain pipes coming from the second story, loose when I mowed the lawn. That basement wall let a little stream of water in. Our basement does not leak, but with all this rain and my carelessness well.... I made a lot of work for hubby. He had to move, with the crowbar, a huge workbench made with all 2 x 4's. He estimated it weighs about 1500 pounds! The only way to even get it to move was with his big crowbar and now he is sanding the whole wall in preparation to seal it. That one wall is the only wall in the basement not sealed and this is the first time in the eight years of being here it has leaked. Oh, I am so sorry.....but, that wall did need to be sealed.
Wishing you all some sunshine.....