When we travel this route to Texas and points beyond...I always look forward to seeing this huge cross alongside the road. It soothes, reassures and humbles.....My hope is that it will always be there! There are more than one of these giant crosses, along the highways in middle America, and this one is in The Great State Of Texas.
Hello everyone and WELCOME....Just a reminder to be sure and visit Beverly of How Sweet The Sound... to visit wonderful ladies and their blogs that love pink just like you and me!...Thank You, Beverly....it is nice to be back!
I can't begin to tell you how excited I was when I found this old flue cover. I bought it for my website, www.theruffledrose.com but I am not sure I am going to part with it for a while. lol! I can see this is going to be a problem with me!!
Below is the sign at the antique store, along the highway in Oklahoma, where I found the cover. There were so many antique stores in that area that if we were able to visit each and every one of them...we would still not be home!
All the shopping carts in this antique mall in Oklahoma were PINK! That just made the shopping all the more fun.
This has been a busy week. I can't believe it is Friday already! What has happened that the days just seem to fly by now? Is it just me?
Today was the first real warm day since we have been back. I had to change my long sleeved shirt for a short sleeved one and I was delighted to be able to open windows and doors. Oh!! I just LOVE SPRING! We got out, and with the help of a friend, trimmed the front bushes.....the lilacs on the West side are opening up and I just go and bury my nose in them. How heavenly is their scent! Tonight we have rain with maybe some thunder moving our way....what can be better?
I have been loading items on our website...www.theruffledrose.com and I hope you will pop over and take a peek. Click on In The Armoire and then The Cottage Bath to see the towels I managed to list. I still can not get a thumbnail picture to come up on the home page, but I will get it figured out! I will be putting new things in everyday....please sign the guest book and sign up for future mailings as new things are listed and so you will know when our Grand Opening will be.
Thank you, thank you, for coming by and saying "Hi".....It is with happy anticipation I read your comments!