Friday, May 18, 2012

Warm And Sunny Pink Saturday

Hello Friends....I hope your week was peaceful and perfect! Mine? It was good with a couple of small bumps. Such is life! Today we are having our weekly pink party, thanks to Beverly at How Sweet The Sound. Hop over and find all the other wonderful ladies celebrating pink on their blogs....

*The heavenly flowers and glass vase are from my Texas family and sweet card from my NY daughter.... I hope your Mothers Day was all it should be. Mine was happy. It was just hubby and Miss A and myself. There were happy phone calls and I chose pizza for dinner, which our granddaughter treated me to...There was one little glitch, though. I went out to work in the gardens and enjoy the sunshine when I felt a sharp stab to my knee. It was p-a-i-n-f-u-l! I could not help but let out a yelp and dropping my hoe, I grabbed my jeans trying to squash whatever stung me and WHAM! I got stung again. Grabbing my pant legs harder I hobbled to the house only to find that hubby dearest had locked the back door. Our little neighbor boy, who is a clone of the little boy in Jerry McGuire, walked up the driveway to retrieve a ball that flew over the fence only to see me pounding on the door, ( I must have looked like a crazy lady hanging onto my jeans and banging on the door. I gave up the back door and hastily went to the front...IT WAS LOCKED, TOO! Finally, Hubby came downstairs. (I always leave both doors unlocked when I am working outside and made a point of unlocking the front door before I went out.) It was just automatic reflex that he locked the doors and I knew that, but I was not a happy camper at all and as I threw off my jeans to see my knee. I was rather was bright red and huge! The frozen penny was retrieved from the freezer with a sack of ice. My worry was that since I am diabetic, I could go into shock...I have never been allergic to stings, but there was that concern....well, to end this overly long tale, after an hour I was fine and went back to my gardening. There were two little holes side by side on my knee as if it had been a snake....when I got back to the garden there were a couple of yellow jackets with their legs dangling as they flew and then I knew...they will sting twice and a bee can not with his barbed stinger... So, that little incident was the excitement of my otherwise very happy Mothers Day!
Have a glorious week enjoying all that is blooming courtesy of Mother Nature. ♥ Jil
PS As I write this, a very happy robin is singing gayly by my window...the icing on a beautiful day!


Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

What lovely flowers!

And yes, with these gifts come bees and wasps and all sorts of scary nasties.

We shall overcome! haha!

Have a truly blessed weekend.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Jil,
Ugh! What a fright you got from those stings! Poor you! Like Michele said, our gifts from the garden often come with bees. Be careful, my friend.
I'm glad your Mother's Day was a happy one. Thanks for sharing your pinks and enjoy your weekend.


Tete said...

Well, that was exciting! Hats off to you for keeping your pants on outside. I would have been out of them and that poor neighbor boy would've needed therapy!
We use accent meat tenderizer. The enzymes break down the protein in the sting in less than 15 minutes. I have heard about pennies but never have tried it. My Craig got stung on Friday and then again this afternoon.
The bees are in the clover and its blooming now.

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...


Beautiful flowers!


Linda M. said...

Hi Jil, OUCH! I was good you kept your pants on imagine what the neighbor kid would have thought about that! Glad it was okay. Thanks for stopping by and your comments. Happy Pink Saturday.
Joyous Wishes, Linda

Marianne C. said...

Hello, Jill...thank you for visiting me. I'm so happy your day was much better than the weekend of stings. Heal quickly and be in perfect health.

Your bouquet is lovely, indeed. Irises are my sister's favorite flower. And yours are beautiful next to the Stargazer lilies.

Blessings for the weekend,

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh my gosh, Jil, what an experience! It is unbelievable!! Wishing you a Happy Pink Saturday!!!

Shannon@Cozy Home Scenes said...

Don't you just love receiving beautiful flowers? I certainly do. Thank goodness you are ok after the stings. My brother was stung 17 times when he ran over a yellow jackets nest while mowing the lawn. He had to get medication and to make matters worse, the pharmacist labeled the bottles wrong and he slept for hours and hours. It turned out fine but was a potential emergency. Didn't mean to go on but your story reminded me of my brother's stings. I hope you have a lovely weekend.---------Shannon

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Ouch! You do have to be very careful. My little mother was allergic and it is not pretty!
Your flowers are lovely !
Happy pink Saturday (())

Daniella said...

What an awful ordeal! I'm glad you were fine in an hour! I am allergic to bees and I don't know if that includes all stinging stuff! But I didn't know that yellow jackets stung twice! I thought they all stung and died! Great to know!
HPS!! Bee careful! LOL!

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
Your flowers are all Gorgeous.
I hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day with your family this past Sunday. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my new Nautical Tablescape.
XXOO Diane

Shirley said...

Hi Jil, Your flowers are so pretty and being stung isn't fun. Bee stings, yellow jackets, or hornet stings are not fun at all. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs from your Missouri Friend.

J.Rylie.C said...

Oh so pretty!

Hope you'd come and link with me in my Color Connection meme through my PINK entry.

Kay Ellen said...

Beautiful Jill!
Happy Pink Saturday:))

Kay Ellen

CEO Lisa Anne - L.A said...

Hi Jill,
Sorry to hear about the bee stings. They can be so painful. Your flowers are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday!

dana said...

OMG.....that garden/stinging story was scary! (OK and a little funny as I imagined you banging on the door, grabbing your knee while the neighbor kid looked on! :)

I am glad you were OK....I did not know about the frozen penny trick. I need to put some in the freezer right now! I also did not know yellow jackets could sting more than once!

Glad you had a peaceful Mother's Day...up until that point! :)

Have a great PS!!


Clara said...

Hi Jill!
your flowers are so pretty. I love the irises. They are one of my favorites. Sorry to hear about your yellow jacket stings. Thanks for sharing your story and have a Happy Pink Saturday.

Meeha Meeha said...

The combination of lilies is quite spectacular! This is like a convention of the most sensual flowers in a beautiful pink vase! Thank you for leaving a sweet comment on my 12-pattern Gift Box.

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
I did not know I did not follow you so sorry. I'am following you now. I hope you have a wonderful day.
XXOO Diane
I hope you will follow me also.

♥ my diary♥ said...

nice post thanks for sharing...looking to visit more...blessings

Vicki said...

Hi, Jil,
Your family treated you splendidly for Mother's Day!! Your bouquet is beautiful. Yes, those yellowjackets can really hurt. I have been stung a few times, and it is no fun. Glad you are okay and no allergic reaction. Happy Pink Saturday, my dear friend~Vicki

Amber said...

Beautiful flowers!!

Amber said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
romance-of-roses said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear of this since I got that yellow jacket sting a couple of years ago. It's just awful and so much pain, I could not walk somehow got inside and threw off my jeans and there it was, a nasty yellow jacket. Whenever I see them now I run inside. Beautiful flowers you received. Take care...Lu

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

HPS! 4th Year!!!

Oh, I hope you are feeling better.


Unknown said...

Just something I have heard is that the first sting may not let you know you have an allergy to bee's the second sting that can cause you to have a trip to the ER..I know you said you were stung twice..but at the same time..please be careful of the next one..if you are unlucky to get stung again. I now carry an Epi pen, as I react badly to all bug bites!